Mr. Anoop Kumar Sharma with a storied career that spans over 40 years, stands as a paragon of industrial expertise and leadership. His journey began at the esteemed Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, where he honed his skills in chemical engineering, graduating in 1980. Later, he studied management to manage the project efficiently and effectively. With this educational background, he ventured into the industrial realm, where his acumen flourished across diverse sectors including Oil & Gas, Petrochemicals, Polymers, Inorganic Chemicals, Non-Ferrous Metals, and Life Sciences.
His professional odyssey is marked by significant tenures at prominent Indian firms such as Hindustan Zinc, Sterlite Industries, and Simon India, as well as global entities like Lurgi—which later became part of Air Liquide, and KazStroy Engineering. In these roles, Mr. Sharma demonstrated a profound ability to navigate the complexities of project management, engineering design, and operational excellence.
With a vision to synthesize his vast experience, Mr. Sharma co-founded BTG Engineering Solutions Private Limited. This enterprise is the culmination of his dedication to engineering and his desire to offer comprehensive solutions that cater to the multifaceted engineering demands of clients. Under his guidance, BTG Engineering has emerged as a beacon of innovation, bridging the engineering chasm with tailored solutions that resonate with the unique needs of each client.
Mr. Sharma’s legacy is not just built on his professional achievements but also on his commitment to mentorship and knowledge transfer, ensuring that the next generation of engineers is equipped to continue the legacy of excellence he has established. His story is one of relentless pursuit, intellectual curiosity, and an unwavering dedication to the field of engineering.